Factorio – 1 to 6 belt balanced splitter

Our Factorio video showing how to split one belt into 6 belts with a balanced output.

This 1 to 6 belt splitter evenly distributes the incoming belt to the 6 outgoing belts. It maintains the incoming product’s lane, so if you have different items on either side of the incoming lane, it will continue to be arranged so on each of the outgoing lanes. Interestingly it requires fewer components (1 less splitter) to construct than the 1 to 5 balanced splitter.

Factorio – 1 to 5 belt balanced splitter

Our video showing how to split one belt into 5 belts with a balanced output.

This 1 to 5 belt splitter evenly distributes the incoming belt to the 5 outgoing belts, with 20% of the load going to each. It is a compact design that maintains the incoming product’s lane, so if you have different items on either side of the incoming lane, it will continue to be arranged so on each of the outgoing lanes.

Factorio – Single Belt Balanced Splitters – 1 to 2, 1 to 3, and 1 to 4 balanced belt splitters

Our video showing how to split one belt into 2, 3, or 4 belts with a balanced output.

The 1 to 2 and 1 to 4 belt splitters are obvious, and should have been discovered naturally by any player. I’ve included them, however, in the interest of inclusiveness. This series will cover larger splitters in the future and I didn’t want to leave any out.

The 1 to 3 splitter is the most compact 1 to 3 splitter giving balanced loads, exporting 1/3 of the incoming load to each of the three outgoing belts. If you know of a more compact design, please let me know in the comments as I’d love to see it. This 1 to 3 splitter is 4 squares wide, at its widest, although if you’re willing to use some underground belts and stretch it out a bit you can achieve the same result without ever being wider than 3. The overall size will be larger, but you may not always have the width for this design.

Factorio – Simple Belt Balancer – 1 belt to 1 belt with balanced input and output

Our video showing how to evenly balance the load on a single conveyor in Factorio, while also pulling evenly from both input lanes.

This balancer is slightly larger than the 1 to 1 balancer that only balances output, and it also includes more types of components, however it pulls in from both lanes alternately. Use this type of balancer if you need a balancer output and you don’t want a stopped-up lane on the input belt to back up movement somewhere earlier in the chain.

Factorio – Simple Belt Balancer – 1 belt to 1 belt with balanced output

Our video showing how to evenly balance the load on a single conveyor in Factorio.

The example pair on the left of the video can take an uneven belt load and balance it, regardless of the distribution of the incoming belt. The pair shows how to make the balancer in a straight path or with a 90 degree turn.

The pair on the right is more compact, but also more specialized. It only balances an uneven load if the incoming load is entirely on one side or the other. It will still allow objects to pass if they aren’t all on the same side, but your resulting load will not be balanced.