Factorio – 3 to 6 belt balancer

This Factorio tutorial shows the design for a 3 belt to 6 belt splitter with balanced loads.

This design is very useful for train depots. A train car can only be accessed by 6 inserters per side, so you often need to split your items into 6 different belts to minimize the amount of time your trains wait at the depot. This design will take an even or uneven load from 3 belts and evenly distribute the items onto 6 belts.

Factorio – 3 to 4 belt splitter

A 3 belt to 4 belt splitter for Factorio that results in an evenly distributed outgoing load.

If you have 3 belts of items that you need to split into 4, but you don’t want to just half the contents of a single belt, this 3 to 4 belt balancer will give you an even distribution of items in 4 outgoing belts. If you happen to have different items in the left and right lanes of the 3 incoming belts, this design (and all our other balancers, as well) will maintain that left-to-right segregation of items for you.